Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Confusing Carbonara Capers

So I must admit my love for carbonara (and my husbands too!), however, I rarely make it or order it at restaurants because of all the heavy cream, butter, and bacon involved.  Imagine my amazement when looking for a new recipe online I found that some big names in food poo-pooed the cream, along with many other familiar carbonara ingredients (peas, mushrooms, etc)!!  Don't believe me?  Check out a few for yourself...

Tyler Florence (Though he also has a recipe for "Ultimate Cabonara" which includes cream.)
Rachael Ray (This is the recipe I decided to use!) She even has a second carbonara recipe that also nixes the cream. (check it out)

Now at the same time there are plenty of familiar foodies who stick with the cream version of carbonara...
Emeril Lagasse
Giada DeLaurentiis (Cinnamon in carbonara?!  This I might have to try...)
Paula Deen

As I said, we went with the Rachael Ray recipe and it was FANTASTIC!  I even made it with whole wheat pasta...yummy and healthy!  (Well, sort's still carbonara.)  I would definitely recommend checking it out if you're a pasta fan looking for a slightly lighter version.  All that's left to do now is get cookin!

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