Haven't been blogging as much as I would like lately...sorry about that. Here you'll find just a few ramblings and food related thoughts I have been having lately so you will know what kinds of food fun I have been up to.
1. I made the Fettuccine Alfredo e Salsiccia...it was AMAZING!! I will tell you that I made a few recipe alterations...just so you can note them and use them if you would like. First, when I cooked the salsiccia, I added a little bit of minced garlic. I was kind of shocked there wasn't any garlic in the recipe (I mean it's alfredo for cryin' out loud) so I added a little her...not a ton, just enough for flavor. I also dumped the entire cup of cheese into the sauce, which made it incredibly thick and creamy...so I added another splash of cream and it was just perfect. I also added mushrooms (sauteed them while the butter was melting in the first step). I also added a little bit of that California onion powder I use so often now...it's delicious. Lastly, I didn't have fresh parsley so I just used a little dried parsley and made sure to stir it into the sauce right before I added the pasta. I'm sure it would have been great without all these additions but they just upped the ante a bit. :)
2. Cake decorating class starts back up next week...I can't wait! My friend and coworker, Rose, and one of her friends are coming too! So much fun!
3. I'm getting ready to do some more Homemade Gourmet recipe experimentation in the next couple weeks so get ready for all that excitement...yumm.
4. Speaking of HG...I have some upcoming events so you can come visit me at Chesterfield Elementary on November 7th or Meramec Bluffs on November 21st!
5. Can't wait to start thinking about Thanksgiving...wait. Scratch that...loving currently thinking about Thanksgiving and all the wonderful foods that come along with it! Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberries, the list goes on and on...what are some of your favorites?
6. Tomorrow my nephew turns one...time flies huh? (Happy Birthday Ryan! Aunt Lauren loves you!) This means I get to put my cake decorating skills to good use again...but this time it's in a slightly different way. You see, I'm teaching a couple techniques to my sister so she can decorate her own cake. As a matter of fact, I'm supposed to be over there giving her a lesson right now...guess I should stop blogging.
Until next time, think yummy thoughts and send me some "ask Lauren" questions! :)
Brady LOVED the white chicken chili mix. I wasn't feeling it. At least one of us liked it! I'll have to order a few more packets just so I can make it for him to take to lunch.